


Time Zone

Belgrade and Serbia are located in the Central European time zone region – GMT +1 and/or GMT +2 as of the last week in the third month until the Saturday prior to the last week of the tenth month.


As in most cities of Continental Europe, the electricity voltage in Belgrade is 220V. Electrical outlets are standard European.


Tap water in Belgrade is safe to drink.

Belgrade city public transport is provided through a network of bus, trolleybus and tram routes run by GSP “Beograd” and bus services operated by private bus companies, on around 130 routes.

Single tickets can be bought:

– in public transport vehicles, from the driver or conductor
– at kiosks marked with a ticket sales sticker
– at GSP points-of-sale

Public trasportation in Belgrade

BusPlus Info / public transportation in Belgrade

BusPlus system applies to all public transport vehicles (GSP, private carriers, Lasta and Bg Voz).

Selling places –  GSP

The new terminals have been installed at the following locations:

  • “Skender begova” 47, JKP GSP;
  • “Deligradska” – Deligradska 10;
  • “Republic Square” – TC “Republic Square”

Paper cards (most suitable for tourists)

If you are not frequent user you should buy a paper card which costs 89 rsd, and you can drive with that card 90 min. on all lines (for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone).

If you buy a ticket on the bus a card cost – 150 rsd

Paper cards witch you can use:

1 day for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone –  250 rsd,

3 days for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone – 700rsd

5 days for 1st or 2nd public transportation zone – 1000 rsd.

Prices of monthly electronic cards

For 1st public transportation zone – 2.990 rsd

For 2nd public transportation zone – 3.275 rsd

Belgrade City Transport Company
Dispatch centre (00-24): 011/366 4040
Automated call centre: 011/ 3033-370, 011/ 3033-371

Shuttle bus from/to the Airport Nikola Tesla

 A1 line route, originally going from Slavija square to the Nikola Tesla airport.

Due to the reconstruction works being carried out in the Slavija square, the A1 line will be shortened and terminate at the Central Railway station in the period starting from 11 August until October 20.

Timetable and map

Telephone Directory

The area code for Belgrade in national traffic is 011

The area code for Serbia in international traffic is 381. To call Belgrade from abroad please dial the appropriate international code, e.g. 00, then dial the area code for Serbia 381 and the area code for the city (without the initial 0)11. To call a foreign country from Belgrade, please dial the international code 00, then the country area code, the city area code (without 0) and, finally, the telephone number of the subscriber.

Important Telephone Numbers

Police – 192
Fire-fighters – 193
Ambulance – 194
Time – 195
Telegram sending by phone – 1961
Registry of international calls – 19011
AMSS road assistance – 1987
Diverse sports information – 19812
Orthodox religious holidays and customs – 19822
Weather information –19822
Lotto and sports forecasts – 19822

Public Telephone Booths

Public telephone booths (Halo govornice) are activated by Halo cards worth RSD 200 or 300, each offering a free call credit of RSD 15. The sales price is written on the card, which is also the value of the credit for making calls. Halo cards may be purchased on kiosks, post offices and in retail stores.

Telephone Directory

+381 11 11811 (private and business subscribers, one item of information per call)
www.webstrane.com (private and business subscribers, telephone directory on the Internet)
White Pages (private subscribers, printed edition, free delivery to home address) www.11811.rs/BeleStrane/Index
Yellow Pages (business subscribers, printed edition, free delivery to home address)

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